🔧 Fix
All mods are unofficial and not supported by official. Mods may also cause conflicts.
The fixing mods fix bugs and improves compatibility.
Memory Leak Fix
Fixes memory leaks.
Fixes shift when using nether portal.
Requires Balm.
Disables attribute value limitation and allows all attribute values to be correct.
llows selection of recipes and resolves recipe conflicts.
Improves compatibility of mods to add biomes.
Makes TerraBlender compatible with The Aether.
Attempts to Integrate duplicate ores.
Every Compat
Ensure all woods can be used in the same way.
Requires Moonlight Lib.
Loot Integrations
Allows adds items from the other mod to any bonus chests.
JourneyMap Integration
Improves compatibility of JourneyMap.
Requires JourneyMap.
FPS Reducer
When AFK, limits framerate to reduce load.
Model Gap Fix
Fixes texture gaps.
JEI Integration
Adds mod recipes to JEI and adds informations to tooltips.
Requires JEI.